Blaine L. Reininger is an American composer born in 1953 in Pueblo, Colorado. Having studied violin from age 9 guitar from age 11 and music theory and composition through high school and into college, he left Colorado in 1976 for San Francisco. There, in 1977, as a consequence of his studies in electronic music at San Francisco City College, he started the legendary American cult band Tuxedomoon together with classmate Steven Brown.
In 1981, Reininger and the group left America to practice their art in Europe. Over the course of the ensuing years, many artistic collaborations took place and many cd’s were recorded. These collaborations, while mostly musical in nature, often moved into other fields such as dance, theatre, and film.
Reininger continues to live and work in Europe, having lived in Athens, Greece since 1998.
1992 “Dogs Licking My Heart”, court metrage, Lead Role, directed by Nicholas Triandafyllidis
1994 “Radio Moscow”, longue metrage, “the musician”, directed by Nicholas Triandafyllidis
1996 “The Overcoat”, telefilm, “santa claus”, directed by Nicholas Triandafyllidis
1999 “Black Milk”, longue metrage, “the magician”, directed by Nicholas Triandafyllidis
2014 “The Sentimentalists” longue metrage, “the troika member”, directed by Nicholas Triandafyllidis
2014 “Elephantas”, courte metrage, “tourist”, directed by Vagelis Zouglos
2015 “The Republic”, longue metrage, “Noel, the corrupt oilman” directed by Dimitris Tzetzas
2017 “Sacrilege”, longue metrage, Kostas, directed by Marsa Makri
1999-2000 “Agamemnon”, part of Agamemnon, Diplos Eros Theatre company, Athens Greece, directed by MikhailMarmarinos
2000-2003 “Isaia L’Irreducibile”, part “the violinist”, Compagnia Katzenmacher, San Casciano, Italy, director AlfonsoSantagata
2001 “Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod”, part “Henry Fonda“, Volksbuehne Theatre, Berlin, Germany, director Albrecht Hirche.
2003 “Die 10 Besten Rocksongs in der Weltgeschichte“, part “the DJ“ soundtrack, produced by Schauspiel Koln, Cologne, Germany, director Albrecht Hirche.
2003 “Death of Danton“,“the foreigner“, soundtrack, Theatro Amore, Athens, Greece, director Albrecht Hirche
2006 “Elektra” “the musician”, originial soundtrack, Athens Festival, Athens, Greece, director Angela Brusko.
2007 “Rain”, “Matthias” Athens Festival, director Akilas Karazisis
2008 “Nykta tou Mystikon” “Miss Colorado” Greek National Theatre, director Elli Papakonstantinou
2008-10 “Electric Girl” “Thomas Swanson” Theatro Thesion, Kalamata Dance Festival, director Apostolia Papadamaki, composed music.
2009 “Baxkes” “Old Dionysos”, Theatro Poreia, director Renate Jett
2010 “Lithi”, Theatro Poreia, director Dimitris Tarlow, composed music
2010 ” New Electric Ballroom” , Theatro Xora, director Dimitris Karantzis, composed music
2010 “Danton’s Death”, STEGI, Onnasis Cultural Center, director Stathis Livathinos, composed music. (Nominated for award for best music of the year by Athinorama)
2011 “Double Take”, Athens Festival, choreographed by Yiota Kalimani, composed and performed music.
2011 “American Buffalo”, Theatro Poreia, director Dimitris Tarlow, composed music.
2012 “Antigone” Sophocles, Athens Epidaurus Festival, director Dimitris Bitos, composed and performed music.
2012-14 “Clear Tears”, choreographed by Thierry Smits, composed and performed music together with Steven Brown and Maxime Bodson
2015 “Angels”, video performance, Theatre du Grutli, Geneva, directed and conceived by Cosima Weiter and Alexandre Simon, composed and performed music.
“Picnic With The Devil” based on “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov,
Greek National Theatre, Directed by Maria Panourgia. Played Woland, composed and performed original music.
2017 “Caligula” “by Albert Camus, directed by Aliki Danezi-Knutsen for the Municipal Theatre of Piraeus. Composed and performed original music.
2018 “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” by Edward Albee for STEGI, The Onassis Cultural Centre. Directed by Maria Panourgia. Composed and performed original music.